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UPDATED 3/18: NE10 Suspends Spring Athletic Competition and Championships

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LAST UPDATED: March 18 - 10 a.m.

MANSFIELD, Mass. (March 12, 2020) -- Per a unanimous vote of the Northeast-10 Conference Council of Presidents, until April 13, the NE10 has suspended spring sports competition, effective on Friday. Per the NE10, the vote was taken "in light of the collective decisions of the majority of NE10 members to have students return home indefinitely and continue their academic work remotely due to the ongoing spread of COVID-19."

UPDATE (March 12 - 4:30 p.m.): The NCAA has canceled all remaining winter and spring championships. This includes this weekend's Division II track & field championships, which was scheduled to feature two members of the Franklin Pierce University track & field team.

UPDATE (March 13 - 11 a.m.): Ravens softball has had its Spring Break trip to Florida canceled.

UPDATE (March 18 - 10 a.m.): The NE10, once again via a unanimous vote of the Council of Presidents, has announced the suspension of play now extends to all 2020 spring sports and their respective championships.

For statements from both the NE10 and University administration regarding the situation, see the appropriate links below.

NE10 Update Regarding COVID-19 (3/18):

NE10 Statement Regarding COVID-19 (3/12):

A statement from University President, Dr. Kim Mooney '83, regarding COVID-19 and the University's response (3/12):

Coronavirus Information for Franklin Pierce community (updating):

NCAA statement regarding winter and spring championships (3/12):

Updated information will be supplied at the linked pages, as well as this page, as it is warranted.