Rowing rides good weather, competes in the Knecht Cup

Rowing rides good weather, competes in the Knecht Cup

WEST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP, N.J. (April 11, 2015) – The Franklin Pierce University rowing team competed in the Knicht Cup on Saturday afternoon. The event took place on Mercer Lake in West Windsor Township, N.J., as the Ravens entered two boats into the event.

Franklin Pierce first competed in the second heat in the Women’s Second Varsity Four, unfortunately not finishing with an official time. The Ravens second event came in the DII/DIII Women’s Club Eight. The Ravens would finish sixth in the event with a time of 8:07.18, finishing 1:17.03 off the lead in the run. Their finish will allow them to compete in tomorrow’s Petite Final for the Club Eight. The eight consisted of senior Bianca Baldelli (coxswain), sophomore Nicole Rode, sophomore Kirsten Salois, senior Madeline Morrill, senior Paige McGroarty, freshman Danielle Clarke, junior Megan DeFelice, freshman Stephanie Priest and senior Ashley Lavoie.

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